The 100's
I got this idea from someone else's blog (such a biter). Which is funny because only 1 person I know is reading my blog now (or at least aware of my blog). But at some point when I decide to let others know I even have a blog, I hope they'll enjoy reading this. Anywho... with all this said... DRUM ROLL, PLEASE!.... The 100's (100 random truths about me; note that the 100's is also the warm up exercise used in pilates which I should be doing right now... such a slacker.)
1. my middle name was supposed to be my first name but my grandmother told everyone that my first name was what it is now. My mom has no idea why she told everyone this but she didn't want my grandmother to feel bad so she kept the name and made my middle name what it is now, which is also the name used for this blog. r u following me?
2. I'm incredibly EVIL when I am hungry. Keep snacks around.
3. I have freckles on my nose.
4. I was blind for 2 weeks when I was about 2 years old. I wandered into my mom's neighbor's bathroom and decided to put cat litter into my eyes. I rubbed my eyes so bad that the insides were all scratched up and irritated. Wonder I ever got my eyesight back. Idiot!
5. I'm a pack rat. I keep everything (still have old letters and cards from elementary, HS, and college.
6. The first boy I ever kissed was named Lucky. Loser.
7. I like eating my french fries with ketchup and mayonnaise.
8. I was apart of a girl group I co-created in the 80's called Mass Transit (originally the Tenderhearts). We performed at block parties, holiday shows, hospitals, nursing homes, school functions, etc. I regret that we never made a record. I would have been proud to be apart of VH1's One Hit Wonders special.

11. This is my line #. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.,!!! (I haven't been financial in least I'm honest. I swear I'm going to pay my dues next year!!)
12. I am half Puerto-Rican.
14. I'm superstitious.
15. I LOVE horror flicks. All time favorite? the first Halloween.
16. I ran in the Colgate Women's Games back in the early 80's and fell down on national TV.
17. I am a reality TV show addict: Real World, Real World/Road Rules Challenge, Surreal Life, Temptation Island (forgot about that one, huh?), America's Next Top Model, The Apprentice, Nick and Jessica, Wife Swap, Making the Band, Ultimate Hustler, Being Bobby Brown, Run's House, Sweet 16.... should I go on?
18. If I could max out my credit card anywhere in the world (and not have to pay the sh*t back), I'd max it out at Barnes and Noble. I LOVE to read.
19. With that said, I do NOT loan out my books. You gots to get your own, my brotha!
20. If I were to do it all over again... I'd be a professional dancer.
21. I was voted "most likely to succeed" in high school. hmmmm.....
22. My favorite meal: Steak (medium rare), garlic mashed potatos, sweet plantains, oxtails with white rice, flan. Yes, I'd eat all of this in the same sitting.
23. I am deathly afraid of waterbugs.
24. and mice.
25. I like riding big scary rollercoasters.
26. I was a cheerleader for over six years... but I never did a cartwheel or a full split a day in my life.... And I was the captain of my high school cheerleading team. We had a cheer that was set to the beat of "Juicy" by Mtume... you see where this is going.
27. My first alcoholic beverage was a Calvin Cooler then I graduated to Cisco (remember "liquid crack"?) Now my beverage of choice is ginger ale (schweppes!)
28. I love the smell of freshly cut grass
29. and clean laundry
30. and heineken on a man's breathe (ok now that I am in a committed relationship, I don't literally mean any man's breathe... although even before this relationship, I wasn't going around smelling random men's breathe for traces of Heineken).. ok, I'll shut up about this one.
31. I never learned how to swim though I love water.
32. I was a waitress for several years. I both hated and loved that job.
33. I was also a cashier at Pathmark, a cashier at Fuddruckers, and sold men's clothes (high school jobs!!!)
34. I pick the skin on my fingers (yes, nasty but a nervous habit I can't seem to control). You'd never notice. I try to manicure on a regular basis.
35. I received my Masters Degree from Columbia University (while working a full-time job, going to school part-time and being a full-time single mom)... Damn right, I'm proud!!! ;-)
36. I simply adore haggen daaz vanilla swiss almond ice cream.
37. I can't drink coffee - it gives me the runs.
38. My mother almost named me Thomasina Andrea (after my father, Thomas Andrew). Thank God she honored my grandmother's choice (see #1).
39. I hate people who talk too much. Get to the point, please.
40. I put sugar in my grits. Lots of it.
41. I do not like talking on the phone (see #39).
42. I've kept diaries since I was in the 4th grade.
43. I'm allergic to apples. How's that for a random truth?
44. I despise plain white milk. It always tastes sour to me.
45. I partied at the Tunnel every Sunday night for like 2 years straight back in the late 90's.
46. I love McDonald's Fries, Burger King's Whopper Junior w/ Cheese, KFC's chicken (original recipe), and Popeye's biscuits.
47. I purchased my first real bed (not just a mattress and box spring) in May. I Love it!!!
48. I don't like lettuce on my sandwiches. (what's w/ all these random food references.. am I hungry?)
49. I do not like cold weather although I was born in December.
50. I'm a Sagittarius. Born 12.14.73.
51. New Year's Eve and Thanksgiving are my favorite holidays.
52. My Myers-Briggs Personality Type is ESTJ - though I feel much more like an "I" (introvert) than an "E" (extrovert) on most days.
53. I love Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino.

55. and my man ;-) , "J."
56. I'm my mother's only child.
57. I have one child (for now).
58. I am not a morning person.
59. I had my appendix removed in 1994.
60. Though I like to eat, I do NOT like to cook (I am very grateful that my man does! Whew!)
61. I am extremely hard on myself. If I make a mistake I replay it in my mind for days, possibly weeks on end.
62. I've traveled to the following US states: New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, DC, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Missouri, Florida, Chicago, and Nevada. I'd like to get to all of the states someday.
63. I've also traveled to Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Jamaica, St. Thomas, St. John and Paris, France.
64. My dream cars are the Lexus RX and the BMW 5 series.
65. I do not like when people repeat themselves and it's probably because they are talking too much (see #39).
66. I HATE when people say "You look like you've lost weight." For someone who was skinny all of her childhood and a good portion of her adult life, that is like telling someone who's always been fat that they are getting fatter.
67. I love going to church! (I have not always felt this way.)
68. I am a strong believer in karma.
69. I listen faithfully to Star and Bucwild and Wendy Williams. So addictive.
70. I've been to the movies by myself once. I sat next to a group of people so no one but them knew I was actually alone. It was Spike Lee's "Summer of Sam."
71. In high school, I auditioned for admission to NYC's infamous High School of Performing Arts (the "Fame" school) and I was horrible. They may even have my picture up in the halls as the worst audition ever.
72. I did a dramatic monologue which I forgot after the first sentence.
73. I sang Stacy Lattisaw's "Let Me Be Your Angel." I sucked.
74. I always thought I'd be a television news reporter. When I was little I would line up my dolls, make up stories and report to them.
75. or a talk show host.
76. I'm supposed to be famous....
77. I attended Catholic school all but two years of my life.
78. The two years I attended public school, I was at Graphic Communication Arts studying creative writing.

79. I had a class with Maxwell. Who knew?
80. I love freestyle music! Silent Morning and Running are two of my favorite songs.
81. I had an imaginery friend named, Julie, when I was a child.

83. I put vaseline on my lips every night before I go to bed and I carry around a small vial of vaseline in my purse. I hate ashy, crusty lips.
84. and dirty fingernails
85. and bad breath (I carry a small bottle of listerine in my purse as well).
86. I wish everyone would.
87. I always carry so many bags that my friends call me bag lady (I always have a large duffel, a small purse, and any # of plastic bags).
88. When I get really angry, I hear what I would equate to the sound of rolling thunder in my ears.
89. I am NOT crazy.
90. I really like cats.
91. I have one cat

93. I've never broken a bone (knock on wood. see #14).
94. I got punished in the 7th grade for changing a grade on my report card (it was a "C" -- the first one I ever got. I changed it to a "B." It was for music class. How dumb was that?!##@!)
95. I absolutely, positively HATE cigarette smoke. I get pissed off when I leave NY and remember that other states have not passed the smoking ban yet.
96. The month of September makes me sad --- for no particular reason. It just does.
97. I appeared as a guest on the Rolonda Watts show back in 1995. The topic was something about being a young college-educated woman and having a difficult time finding a good man. Eewww. Now that was stupid.
98. I once went on a date with someone I met off of HOT 97 Hook-UP Line. Probably the same year I was on the Rolonda show. As if I was going to find a good man on a hook-up line. That was more than stupid. And he was The WORST!
99. I'm obsessed with ring fingers.
100. I am a very loyal, faithful person who tries really hard to do things right. My man calls me V.O.R - the Voice of Reason.
Oh I am gonna murder you!!! How dare u put up that picture!!!!!!!! LMAO...damn we had fun that day huh? I want that pic!....I love your 100...I read every line...I haven't done one yet...but I will...I could keep commenting...but u shouted me out as the only reader soooooo....LOL
Very good Girl...I loved every minute...You have a gift and I could hear your voice in my head LOL
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