I was having dinner with a participant in one of my programs. A really sweet Black woman who when I first met her gave me the impression that she wasn't that friendly. You know there are some people who no matter how nice you might be to them they are always looking at you like you are crazy. So I was quite surprised when she sat next to me at dinner and seemed very interested in me --- where are you from? how long have you been working here? etc.
After I told her a bit of my background, she reached over and said..."Sister, I just want you to know how proud I am of you. When I first came to the program and you introduced yourself as the Director, I was so happy. I love seeing young women of color in positions of power. Don't let these people stress you out. You continue to be a woman of integrity and honor. You just handle your business. I am so proud."
In a time when I am going back and forth about my purpose in my current position, spending so many sleepless nights about my future contemplating what I really want and need to be doing with my life, she'll never know how much her comments meant to me. While I don't know how much longer I'll be there (only God knows for sure), one thing I know is that if nothing else, I created a space where there was none before. And there are people who are proud and inspired by that. What a wonderful feeling that is.
as one who has been inspired...thank you for your strength and determination!
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As african americans *and* women part of our purpose is to create a space where there was none before. And creating this space won't feel good or be easy. If it were easy the space would have been filled three generations ago. I am sure Rosa Parks spent many nights questioning the decision to sit in the front of the bus as she sat in the jail cell away from her husband and family members. I am sure Martin Luther King questioned whether he was doing the right thing when he and his family got death threats daily. I am sure that the millions of black people wondered whether they were doing the right thing as they were getting hosed, flogged and bitten by dogs yet they were creating a space for me and for you. To whom much is given much is required. If not you, then who shall go forth for our daughters and son. If not me, then who shall go forth for our sons and daughter?? Is there no rest for the weary? Thank God for sending unexpected angels who will whisper words of encouragement when we need to hear them in order to go forth. When we need a Word from Him, He sometimes sends that Word through people. If not you, then who??? Temple
PS I want to see the flicks :-) You know that I too am a picture fanatic!!!!
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